Today kicks off the very first edition of a new series: Reboot Authentic’s Best of The WebYes, I know several blogs do a “best of” series. And there’s a reason for it.See, when you are interested enough in a blog to follow it regularly, it means that you have something in common with the author. And if you and I have common interests, then it’s more or less my duty to share smart content with you – whether it is mine or someone else’s.So today I am going to share some of the stuff I wake up looking forward to reading. The best of the web.I hope you get as much out of this outstanding content as I did!Dan WaldschmidtIn one word, Dan Waldschmidt is edgy. That’s his brand. It’s all over his site – and it’s apt. Dan is all about smart, hard work and operating on the fringe. (Are you beginning to see why I’m a fan of his content?)He has a way of being smart, insightful, and witty all at the same time. Check out his latest post, Jesus Doesn’t Do Lazy..
.Matt Cheuvront – Life Without PantsAside from owning one of the best domain names on the internet, Matt is a smart, young entrepreneur and is brilliant in the branding arena.Matt has a daily email that I subscribe to called, “The Hustle” which is always worth reading.A short time ago, he sent one that I just have to share with you. Humor me while I set the stage a bit…I cringe a little when I see content on the net about “following your passions.” Not because it’s a bad idea, but because it’s usually written about in the wrong context. If we all followed the advice to follow our passions (in the way it’s usually written) the world would be full of only ballerinas, nurses, firemen, and professional athletes.I’ve started no less than 6 different posts about this very topic, but my knack for wordiness has prevented the completion of any of them.And then one day, I opened my email and found this from Matt:
Brilliant. And in just a few paragraphs.Go check out Life Without Pants. I think you’ll like it. And for sure subscribe to The Hustle. Every day you’ll receive a short, smart “thinker” in your inbox.Also, it seems that when I launched Reboot Authentic, I used an outdated photo of Matt in my launch day post. As an act of reparation, here is a current photo of him.Are we square, Matt?
Michael Bungay Stanier – Box Of CrayonsThe net needs more guys like Michael out there. Everything Michael does is centered around the concept of Great Work. So far everything I’ve read of his has been insightful and thought provoking. If you get tired of “fluff” business blogging, you’ll probably love Michael. All substance.Check out Box Of Crayons. And while you’re at it, I highly recommend subscribing to Great Work Provocations, a short, thoughtful daily email that will make you a better business person regardless of what you do. I look forward getting these emails in my inbox!
Srinivas Rao – BlogcastFMI listen to probably 10 podcasts occasionally, and there are three that I never miss. This is one of those three. Srini has done literally hundreds of interviews with the world’s top bloggers, authors, and all kinds of interesting entrepreneurs.Recently, Srini did a fantastic interview with blogging legend, best-selling author, and entrepreneurial trendsetter Seth Godin. You need to listen to it. Seth is fascinating – and Srini asks him some great questions.I dare you not to subscribe or download more while you’re there.
Danny Iny – Firepole MarketingDanny is one of the smartest marketing minds online. And he’s one of the first people I started following when I decided to start integrating content marketing into my traditional business experience.Danny has been working for himself since the age of 15 – which means he’s now been an entrepreneur longer than he has been an adult. He’s also a best-selling author. Trust me. Spend some time at Firepole Marketing.Recently Danny published his own Best of The Web post, and I’m listing it here for two reasons. First – it’s an extensive list filled with all kinds of great content. I saved it in Evernote so I can refer back to it over time. And second – because Danny was kind enough to list my launch day post as one of the best of the web. Go take a look.
Mary Jaksch – Goodlife ZenMary Jaksh has been a lot of things. I like to call her a Master of Mastery. In her life she has been a professional musician, a psychotherapist, a successful writer and editor, a Zen Master, a high-level blogger and online entrepreneur. Oh, and she’s a blackbelt, too.I’m honored to call Mary a friend and someone I aspire to be more like.Aside from that, as I continue to read Goodlife Zen, I’m realizing that a lot of the principles I preach in business have a surprising connection to much of what she teaches there.You should red 3 Simple Steps Toward Grassroots Peace. Pay particular attention to the three main points she makes and see if you catch on to what I did.
Glen Allsopp – OptinSkinIn compiling this post, I tried to think of all the content that has made the biggest impact on me recently. And although this isn’t content, I want to share it with you because it has made my last month SO much easier. If you run a web site, you really should check out OptIn Skin.I’m not a coding or design guy. Over time I’ve learned the bare minimum I need to know to make this site run. So things like making opt-in forms (which are crucial on a blog) are way over my head. But to make subscribing easy you need them – and preferably ones that look good so people pay attention to them.(A lot of the ones built into themes are pretty forgettable.)I made all the opt-in forms here with OptIn Skin – and in literally a couple minutes each. With no coding.
In the last month or so there has been a huge influx of new subscribers here at Reboot Authentic. That’s a good thing. But I promise you without OptIn Skin, I could not have pulled off everything that I have.OptIn skin is a WordPress plugin that makes creating those nice subscribe forms ridiculously easy. There are tons of designs to choose from and they’re all customizable. You can change almost everything about them to suit your needs. It even tracks the performance of your forms. Check out the video to see all the features.You can get OptinSkin here. That is an affiliate link, so if you decide to get it I will earn a few dollars. Rest assured that I never promote anything here at Reboot Authentic that I have not extensively used and tested. I can confidently stand behind and recommend OptIn Skin. It’s been a life saver for me.
I Need Your Help!
Although I read a huge amount of content, I can’t possibly catch every really great post.If you find anything especially brilliant, I want to see it. Remember that I’m looking for the very best content online – and only so many will make it to my Best of The Web. So if you’ve found something truly outstanding, send it to me. Who knows – it might end up on the next edition of Best of The Web! Now It’s Your Turn…Do you like this idea of sharing all my favorites with you?Do you have any suggestions for the next Best of The Web?Let’s talk about it in the comments.