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10 Powerful Tips For Generating Great Ideas

At times, it’s hard to get the creative process started. Other times, we can get stymied by all of the information that we’ve taken in.If you have ever had trouble coming up with new ideas – or experienced creative block, these 10 Power Tips will get...

2 Ways To Be A Direct Message Dingus On Twitter

Twitter is a Social Medium.The word social implies that Twitter is used to interact with other people, right? It’s also a great way to introduce those people to your brand, company, or product.If you want more followers to stick with you and engage, you’re in...

On Overcoming The Loud

We live in a world where for some reason it seems society has decided that the loudest and most obnoxious should be listened to.You know what I mean. You see two people disagreeing or arguing about something and they start to try to out-volume each other. They get...

Were You Born On 3rd Base?

Former football coach Barry Switzer once said, “Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.”You know someone like that, don’t you?And they irk the hell out of you don’t they?If you’ve seen Coach Switzer...