by GaryRA | Uncategorized
Are your sales where you want them to be?Are they slow…or even non-existent?Deep down you know that you have a quality offer that your prospects would jump all over if they just gave it a good look.But for whatever reason you can’t seem to get them to slow down long...
by GaryRA | Uncategorized
Former football coach Barry Switzer once said, “Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.”You know someone like that, don’t you?And they irk the hell out of you don’t they?If you’ve seen Coach Switzer...
by GaryRA | Uncategorized
The reason most people fail in selling is simply because they don’t believe in what they’re selling – or who they represent.Remember: No customer is ever sold until the salesperson is sold.This week I was talking on the phone with one of my blog readers (yes, I...
by GaryRA | Uncategorized
(Or…5 Steps To Prioritizing Tasks) If your life is anything like mine, it’s fast-paced and busy.As we progress in our professional lives and as we age (not that I’d know about that), we quickly come to realize that one of the most valuable resources in our lives...
by GaryRA | Uncategorized
Yesterday’s post was about how some social time at a convention helped me build rapport with some potential prospects.But what if you don’t have those kind of opportunities in your business? What if you’re in inside sales and speak to your prospects only over...