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It’s Easier To Maneuver When You Rise Above

An extra short post today to remind everyone that things move better when you are above the hustle and bustle.As I flew home last night watching the sun set out the window of the Southwest 737, it struck me how beautiful and calm everything looked up there. In fact...

The Amazing Power Of Empathy

In sales, business, and life in general – there are many skills, traits, and qualities that you should adopt and practice if you want to be a success. Things like persistence, patience, creativity, honesty, integrity, and a thousand more that we read about in all...

Maybe You Just Need A Good Butt-Kicking

At various times throughout a person’s life, an occasion arises in which said person is due a big, ugly butt-kicking. Not a literal physical fustigation, mind you – but a comeuppance…a hard lesson…failure…a loss.Making a mistake here or...